Our Services


Building Management System

Being the EcoXpert of Schneider Electric and registered vendor of Johnson Controls, We provides Intelligent Building Management Solutions including Project estimation, System design, Control System development, Documentation, and Testing & Commissioning.


Alert Management Solutions (WizWatch)

We offer a fully automated alert notification service based on Whatsapp. We also help you to integrate this service with your existing software for booking or appointments. Manage and send emergency alerts via WhatsApp with acknowledgment, escalation, and report generation.


Customized Interface Applications for Data handling and Data processing

We developed interface applications for the data interaction between systems such as Data Centre Environment Monitoring System (EMS), and Facility Operation Integration Platform (FOC) , Work Order Management System, etc.


Energy Analysis Applications

The Power meter dashboard developed is capable of visualizing Live data, Total consumption, Historical data, Alarms, and other valuable insights into the entire Building. This interactive dashboard is developed with built-in charts, gauges, tables, control widgets, etc.


Billing Application (BMS)

Our billing application extracts Power meter and Water meter Live data & Total consumption and calculate the monthly utility bill automatically for individual tenants in a building.


BMS Data Extraction and Report Generation Applications

We create interfaces to retrieve data from various BMS Applications in a specific format and generate custom reports for Data visualization.


We Specialise In

Emergency notification system

Energy analysis applications

Report generation software

Web / Mobile application development

Report generation software

Data extraction

BMS and IT Hardware

AI/ML solutions

Project management

Maintenance and Servicing

24X7 Support

Fully Customised BMS Integration Software Packages

Panel fabrication and installation

3D Graphic Visualisation

Our Clients

We Support

Life science
Commercial building
Health Center
Power and Energy sector

We are authorized system
Integrators of Schneider electric

We give importance to quality, and so we use most efficient systems and controllers for configuring you ur BMS system. Our Aim is to provide you with a 100% risk free installation and support
