Bi-Rotor Positive Displacement Meter

 : WZ162709
 : Smart Measurements

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Technical data sheet
  Bi-Rotor Positive Displacement Meter - Datasheet

Bi-Rotor Positive Displacement Meter

Product Description

The SMC ALBRPD flowmeter features two precisely machined rotating members known as helical rotors which rotate and mesh within the meter’s interior housing in order to form a measuring chamber of known volume which may be used to accurately determine volumetric flow rate as a function of the rotors’ velocity. The helical rotors’ motion is transmitted to the display via a sealed coupling & drive system that enables the display to provide accurate data for both flow rate and total accumulated flow. The unique helical rotor design provides a number of advantages over traditional gear-type PD meters including reduced pressure drop, the virtual elimination of down-stream pulsations, enhanced particle tolerance, and reduced maintenance. The advantages provided by the helical rotor make the ALBRPD an ideal choice for many applications including oil-in-water media and fluids with small amounts of entrained solids.


  • Superior accuracy – to 0.1% of reading over 30:1 turn-down
  • Uniform rotation means low pressure loss
  • No metal-to-metal contact provides for long service lifetime
  • Self-lubricating
  • Very low noise and vibration
  • Reduced number of parts reduces maintenance requirements
  • Rugged double case construction prevents loss of calibration due to changes in pressure or temperature
  • NIST traceable calibration certificate